In this episode, Amit RG, CEO of RichPanel, discusses their journey from inception to surpassing $2MN ARR.
Here are the talking points,
Understanding RichPanel’s Value Proposition
- RichPanel’s mission: Seamless customer service experience, eliminating the need for frequent contacts.
- Comparison with industry giants like Amazon and Uber, focusing on proactive support and streamlined operations.
Target Market and Product Differentiation
- Primary focus: E-commerce companies; also serving SaaS companies.
- Unique approach: Analyzing reasons for customer contacts to proactively address issues.
- Differentiation from traditional help desks: Integration of self-service features akin to Amazon’s My Account section.
Metrics and Growth Trajectory
- Over 2000 paying customers, predominantly in the US, with an average deal size of $10,000.
- Achieved over $2M ARR, doubling revenue annually since inception.
- Initial growth driven by personal contacts; scalable channels include word-of-mouth, organic search, and SEO.
Conversion Strategy and Sales Cycle
- Inside sales model with a swift conversion cycle of 3-4 weeks.
- Conversion driven by trial usage and ensuring value realization; personalized support during the trial phase.
Churn, Retention, and Expansion
- Churn rate reduced to near 0%, with occasional downgrades and expansions.
- Limited expansion opportunities due to generous initial plans; focus on making the product more accessible.
Early-stage Growth and Funding
- Initial growth from personal contacts; later scaled through interviews and customer feedback.
- Raised $2M in funding from Sequoia with initial selection from Y Combinator.
Team Composition and Future Goals
- 30-member team with a product-focused approach, including engineers, customer support, sales, and HR.
- Next milestone: Exploring new applications and integrations to enhance product offerings and market reach.
Hello everyone. Welcome to the B2B SaaS podcast. I'm your host, Upendra Verma. And today we have Amit Arji with us. Amit here is the CEO of a company called RichPanel. Hey Amit, welcome to the show.
Amit:Thank you, Bender. Thanks for having me.
Upendra Varma:All right, Amit, let's, let's try to understand, right? What RichPanel does, right? And why customers are willing to pay you money.
Amit:Sure, sure, absolutely. Uh, see, we, we at Driftpanel, uh, you know, we believe the best kind of customer service is the one, uh, where you don't have to contact customer service in the first place. Uh, so, so, it, it sounds, uh, uh, contradictory. But if you look at the apps you use on a day to day basis, right? Look at, look at apps like Amazon or look at apps like Uber. Uh, I've gone and used these apps for many years without having to contact them even once or contacting them like once every year. Uh, because the way that these guys think about customer services, they think, Uh, any edge case that the product hasn't solved, uh, is what creates a support ticket. So if you could, uh, analyze all of them and make it a part of the product, you wouldn't need to, uh, contact these people anymore. Uh, without naming any specific brands, I've had some very horrific experiences. Uh, horrific is a very strong word to use, but frustrating experiences, uh, buying from Uh, brands where, you know, the return process, the exchange process, or something like just editing an order, uh, after hours, because you know, the brand is, uh, doesn't have like a customer support team, uh, on a weekend is, is really painful because they don't have any staff. And even though, uh, you know, I tried to change something or add items to my cart within five minutes of making a purchase, I couldn't really do that. Uh, so that's, that's what we're hoping to change with rich panel. Uh, we want to enable. e commerce brands to have like the same kind of experiences or be able to deliver the same kind of experiences. The ones that you see on apps like Amazon, like productize everything that people don't need to contact you.
Upendra Varma:that makes a lot of sense. So I just want to understand this customer base a bit, right? So you talked about you serving e commerce companies, right? So are they your primary focus today?
Amit:Correct. We, we, we, uh, are expanding into other, uh, verticals, uh, uh, without promoting ourselves to other verticals. We have a ton of like software companies that already use us like SAS companies or the SAS company, including rich panel, uh, that uses rich panel for its, uh, customer support. Uh, As of now, the platform is very geared and we've, you know, promoted ourselves to e commerce market, in the e commerce market, but practically the product could be used for other verticals as well.
Upendra Varma:So, so I'm gonna talk about the product differentiation here, right? So I mean, customer service, customer support, these are age old industries and products, right? I mean, I could, I see tons of like, every, every company has like, has gotta have some sort of product that they've, they've been using, right? So, so how do you position yourself here, right? So is do you believe that you're bringing your product has got something that nobody has sort of done so far? Are you trying to revolutionize something or do you believe there's already an existing market out there? Right? So how are you looking at this whole, you know, product in space?
Amit:Uh, the way that we are thinking about this is firstly, yeah, the product is unique. There is nothing like this that exists. In the market, uh, there are parts that are overlapping with, with existing solutions. Like if you use like a Zen desk or a fresh desk, yes, that's a help desk or that's a ticketing system, but we have a very unique way of looking at customer support. So if you go to Amazon, uh, you know, traditionally, what's the definition of help desk? Somebody who does a phone call, somebody who emails you, somebody who texts you, uh, or, you know, contacts you on social media, the customer support bid starts from there. That's the, uh, uh, you know, width of a customer support help desk today. We are going a few. What caused them to contact customer support, right? So we analyze the reasons why you're getting a call, why you're getting an email, and then we create an interface. So think of rich panel as everything that a Zendesk kind of rest is dusk plus plus the my account section of Amazon. Right. Or, or the my account section of, uh, like queries. So people are able to see their orders, do returns, exchanges, manage their orders, manage their profile. All of those bring, um, and the way the analytics force more and more operations to be front loaded. Because that's a seamless, effortless experience with a customer, and it works out in the favor of the business as well.
Upendra Varma:Makes sense. So, so I'm going to talk about the talk about your customers today, right? So how many paying customers do you have on your platform as of today?
Amit:As of today, we have like over 2000 customers. Um,
Upendra Varma:And how big are these customers? Right? So what, what sort of customers are we talking about rates? How much do they pay you on average? Is it a hundred dollar deal, a thousand dollar deal per year? Right. So what sort of deal range are we talking about? I know there's going to be a spread, but give me a sense of, you know, how big your customers are today.
Amit:around $10,000 is what a, uh, you know, average customer pays on a basis. 80% of our revenues are in the US and 20% are, uh, you know, in, in, uh, Europe, Australia, uh, and, and uh, uk.
Upendra Varma:Okay. And have you hit that 1 million ARR marks today?
Amit:Yeah. Yeah.
Upendra Varma:Okay. And is that where you are approximately in terms of revenue?
Amit:Uh, no. So, uh, yeah, we've, we've crossed 2 million in ARR, uh, and, uh, yeah, that's where we
Upendra Varma:That's, that's fantastic. Right. So just, just help me understand. Right. So 12 months before, right. So where were you as a company in terms of revenue? Right. So I just want to get a sense of how you're growing before we deep dive into your growth journey.
Amit:Sure. So, so, you know, we started in like, we started billing our customers in like 2020, uh, you know, it took like three to four months to sort of bill. And then every year that we've, we've stayed in existence, we've sort of like doubled. Uh, that's that's where we've gone. So not like hyper explosive growth, but but uh, decent growth.
Upendra Varma:Got it. Right. So, so, so I'm assuming that you've grown from over, let's say a million dollars to 2 million over the past 12 months. Right. So, right. So just help me understand, right. So where are you getting all of these leads from, right? So where are they discovering you just purely from a top of funnel perspective? Right. So where are they discovering you? What channels have been working for you so far?
Amit:Oh, that's an interesting question because we have like Uh many channels, uh that that is sort of work for us Uh, and the composition kept changing but I can give you like
Upendra Varma:So I, I'm going to focus on the past 12 months. I know it's going to be hard. Right. So just stick to the past 12 months. Right. So what's been
Amit:word of mouth, uh, is one word of mouth is one. Uh, second is, uh, you know, reference. So every company that uses rich panel will have the branding like powered by rich panel. So if you go to like built with today and you look at the top help desk solutions or ticketing systems, I think we are already like number. or 14th in the entire ticketing category, right? Uh, so that's the number of implementations because we also have a free plan. So people tend to install it. And once you open the widget, you see, Oh, this is very abnormal. Like this is something that you've never seen before. It's not a live chat. It's not chat bot. I'm able to see my orders. I'm able to see like all my conversation histories. I'm able to like troubleshoot, take actions right inside that widget. So it sort of leaves an impression. And then every once in a while, uh, out of the millions and millions of customers that are interfacing with the rich panel widget, few of them will be business owners themselves. So they will get to us that I bought something from this company and I liked the, uh, support experience that I received. So I'm reaching out to you. So that's the second source. One is a direct word of mouth saying that, Hey, I'm using it. You also use it. The second one is somebody discovering us through that link. Third would be organic. What else? What else? Uh, we did a lot of paid ads as well, which we stopped, uh, recently, uh, or, you know, we've been like on and off experimenting. It's not like directly attributable, but on several calls, I've heard people finding us. Through those keywords. So, so
Upendra Varma:so, yeah, I'm going to ask you a tough question. Right. So help me quantify this. Right. So let's say like thousand customers that you've sort of acquired over the past 12 months. Right. So which one of them might have sort of attributed to most of these projects? Can you just give me, give me an approximate split here? So,
Amit:top two channels that I said, like, which is word of mouth and powered by rich panel, each would be like, I think 15 percent and the 15%. Then search would be around, like SEO is another one. SEO is also big. Uh, would be like 30% in terms of number of leads. Uh, now it SEO maybe 30%, but it doesn't necessarily mean that revenue, uh, is 30%. The most of the revenue comes from that word of mouth. And that, uh, referral thing, that's, that's the most, uh, powerful for us in terms of revenue.
Upendra Varma:so talk about this word of mouth. Right. So like, How do you even quantify this? Right? So like, how do you even know like something like that is even happening, right? How do you sort of, sort of incentivize your existing customers to go and spread the word about you? I know they like your product. They love the experience. They want to spread the word, but how, how, how are you incentivizing them? And how are you sort of attributing this new growth to that?
Amit:We not, we should be like, you know, doing some campaigns or we don't even have like a referral program, which we ought to have, uh, but, but generally like, you know, I was doing some customer support myself yesterday. I received a ticket from a founder of a D2C brand. And then, uh, uh, when I received the ticket one hour before that, uh, one of the account execs said that there's a lead that came from the founder of so and so company, you know, uh, and then I receive a ticket from that same person, Sam later on, you know, he had some issue. So I'm talking to him and then at the end, I'm like, Hey, somebody reached out to us saying that it was a reference through you. Uh, so thank you for that and I appreciate it. Then I went on his Twitter. He's quite popular. He's covered many of these podcasts and then he has done a few tweets, uh, you know, talking about his stack, how he's upgraded and, uh, he has mentioned Richpanel there, so some of it is like directly his friends. Some of it is like people who are following him that could have clicked it. So that's just one of the many people that they're just talking normally. Like this is what I use. This is what I do. And then people hear it and then they adopt. And sometimes it's like competitors. Like they are keeping a track of what the other people are using, what's their stack looking like, what's the upgrade. So they find us there. Some tech savvy, uh, entrepreneurs will also go on like built with, or like, you know, they will look at their competitor websites and they're like, Oh, they're using this app. They're using that app. And I want, I want to implement the same thing. So that's how they go. And they say it. Every account exec has to capture, how did you hear about us?
Upendra Varma:Got it. So, and that's how you're getting all of these numbers from, right? So I'm just, yeah. And just talk about this powered by branding, right? So, I mean, these days I'm hearing like every, like every SaaS founder who's got a product, which sort of, you know, where they can sort of, which has this UI, right? They have this powered by element and then it just drives on this viral growth. And all of a sudden you're seeing tons of top of funnel leads, right? And let's just talk about your experience here. Right? So, and, uh, like, I don't even see a free plan on your, on your pricing page. Right? So like, how do I, like, how,
Amit:It's going to come back. Yeah, it's, it's going to come back. Uh, you know, the marketing team keeps experimenting, like, let's remove this, let's, you know, experiment with a different CD. Like, even if you look at all the CDs on the website today, they're all like, uh, get a demo, get a demo and stuff, you know, start a free trial. So they keep experimenting. Um, but yeah, uh, the free plan will be added back. They must be running some,
Upendra Varma:So, so, so,
Upendra Varma:so, so basically this free plan is what's driving a lot of, you know, lead, a lot of growth to yard, a lot of new leads, right. That's coming to your website, right. Just because of this part
Amit:That's, that's my feeling. That's my feeling. You know, I've not like, you know, the analyze it or I've not gotten into the depth of it. Like, you know, just five days back, we got a review on the Shopify app store saying that, you know, I'm very happy with the app. I've been using it. This is like the Apple of help desk. Uh, and I'm still on the free plan. So, and, and I installed this app in like 2021. And I'm like, really? Like he's been using it for two years for free. So it's, it's, it's reviews like those that make me anecdotally feel like, Hey, you know, we need to have like, uh, more such people, right? More such people. And sometimes the reason it's not attributable, because I'll give you another example. This is one company, uh, that is on the free plan. Okay. And, uh, and we would not have even discovered this. If we hadn't asked them, like, you know, how did you hear about us? So we get a lead from a, uh, you know, a D2C VC, uh, not, not a VC, a PE form. They acquire a bunch of these e commerce websites and then they sort of buy from that, right? So they had 30 or 35 such stores. It was a 100k plus deal. And then I asked them, like, how did you hear about us? He's like, Well, we had this one company that signed up with you in December, we acquired them and they showed us their stack and they convinced us that all the 30 brands that we have should move to Richpanel. So all the 29 brands were using other helpdesk solutions, but this one free plan convinced them like, Hey, all the others should be coming to me. So, so that lead has to be added to the free plan, right? But you have to dig deeper. If, if it gets created as a separate company, separate account, you wouldn't even know Uh, sort of no, right? So that was like, that was like one example. Even, even the other one that I just, uh, mentioned, right? The one that called us the Apple. I will also open that. I think he's not using the app now. Let me just open it once again. Uh, yeah, he, he pretty much came to us saying like, I'm not using it. I have moved on. I am in another company. Uh, Yeah, I'm in another company, but I want to take a moment to appreciate because I, I hate using, uh, I don't know if it should be bashing our competitors, but I'm just quoting my customer. Uh, yeah. Okay. Check this out. So this is, this is something that, uh, Mark, who's the,. So basically this is a, uh, head of from the head of customer support. And this email came from Jose Rodriguez. He used to work with a company called Lunchbox. So I'm just reading something that has public, uh, because he posted a review today, but he sent an email saying, you know, don't need any help. Hi team. Don't need any help. Just wanted to take the time to let you know I enjoy RP. RP is short for Rich Panel. More than any other helpdesk I've used. I've used Gorgias in the past and currently use Zendesk with my other job. I can't stand ZD, Zendesk. Looks awful clunky, not intuitive in the slightest. To me, RP is like, you Apple versus Android UX is more intuitive, looks much more cleaner, polished, workflow is much more intuitive, et cetera. And then he went on to say, say that he's like, I'm ramming now, but RP feels like Apple of the help desk world right now. I appreciate it.
Upendra Varma:Yeah. Let, let's move on to your conversion strategy here. Right. So, I mean, like, I know it's going, it's going to take a lot of you to convert a 10, 000 deal. Right. So help me understand the sales process that you typically go through, through one of the leads that you've generated. Right. So what does it take? How long is the sales cycle? What do you do during those days? Just help us understand the process. So
Amit:Actually not. So in a 10, 000 deal, you can't really afford to have a very long sales cycle, right? Uh, it has to be quick, ideally within three to four weeks, which includes, you know, either you're already on the trial or, you know, the account exec is going to create an account for you, let you trial for two weeks and, uh, you know, help you during that process, do more calls with the other stakeholders, like It could be like the founder sent an email to the customer support person. Go check this out, or the customer support head or a customer support agent is exploring this on their own. So they pretty much will come on a call. They may need to do one or two more calls. Then they do a trial and then they convert. So typically it's three to four weeks. It's all inside sales.
Upendra Varma:it's typically somebody discovering your website, starting a trial, and then you, you ensuring that they adopt, use, use the product and derive value out of it and then just convert, right?
Amit:Yeah. But, but it's not. Yeah. I think after they have contacted or taken a trial, it's four weeks. It could be that they've been hearing about us for many months before that, but they didn't take an action. Uh, some people will come to us after a year, they said, I evaluated you, but I didn't go ahead with you. I went with someone else. Now I'm coming to you. You know, so, so that also happens
Upendra Varma:You've nurtured them for quite a while before they actually sort of took that
Amit:Yeah. Yeah. There, there is many, many, I think there's many touch points that are not, not, I think, I know there's many touch points could be like, you know, they saw some, they saw some posts, uh, they attended some webinar, they attended some event, um, and then, you know, they received emails from us. Uh, and uh, they, they saw us like in organic search or something, and then they finally decided to talk to us.
Upendra Varma:So I'm going to talk about your churn here today, right? So like, how does that look like for a business like yours?
Amit:Uh, thankfully in the last three months it's been, uh, good, like it's, it's close to
Upendra Varma:you help us?
Upendra Varma:Okay.
Amit:0%, it's close to 0%, right? And then before that, it was. Uh, continuously around like 2%, uh, every month, right? I'm including both like, you know, chance and also downgrades. People come into us and saying, yeah, I know you've reduced your pricing, I want to come on the new pricing. So, uh, you know, that, that, that also is considered to be a reduction.
Upendra Varma:Got it. And then do you sort of do anything actively to sort of expand an existing account if yes, what do you do?
Amit:You don't have that too much, uh, now because, uh, a lot of them have. are on a limit that is a little bit more than what they need. A lot of those accounts like that. Uh, and the limits that we gave to the initial few customers were pretty generous. So they don't expect, you know, there's no expansion, uh, opportunity unless, you know, it's, it's like forms like, Oh, I'm starting a new brand. New company, go there, new brand, new one. So the expansion is like very little. Like I've seen, I've seen like other accounts where, uh, let's say you have like a hundred accounts, right? 20 of them will churn, like I'm talking about an absolute number, right? Uh, so if you, if you started with a hundred dollars in the beginning of the year, 20 are churned, you're left with 80, but this 80 gives you like additional 40 next year. So you are, it becomes
Upendra Varma:is that
Amit:And then you report like,
Upendra Varma:so that's, that's my question is how is that happening? So are they moving on to a different tire or are
Amit:No, it
Upendra Varma:hiring more customer service steps within their team or how has that happened?
Amit:So, so right now, if they hire more customer support agents, because we've changed the pricing recently, that's where you saw the free plan is not available. We moved to like an agent based pricing. Before that it was based on conversations and self service resolutions, but the limits were a little too generous. So there, the expansion opportunities were only limited to companies adding new brands. Or, you know, starting or like, you know, uh, starting new companies and that's when they, that's the only expansion opportunity. Uh, and in that case, you know, we, we would not see that we would see like out of a hundred, if we start with a hundred dollars in the beginning of the year, we are left with like 85. Um, and then we probably add 10 from extension, extension, uh, expansion, uh, unlike others that are getting 30, 40 more from this base.
Upendra Varma:So, and are
Amit:that's not,
Upendra Varma:so
Amit:our focus
Upendra Varma:so you move to a perceived basis, perceived based pricing or are you experimenting with it, right? So how are the results so far and what's, what's
Amit:both things, one is, one is, uh, I think our customer, I need to reduce, I want to make the product more affordable, uh, because one of the reasons we are not expanding that much is, uh, you know, we, we charged a little bit more or, you know, we sold a little bit more than needed. Like the limits were set up in a manner that you need some features you need to take like a bigger plan. Although you didn't need it. So when you do that, yeah, you book more revenue, but you know, your expansion takes a hit, right? And the number of, uh, the, the top of the funnel also reduces because you were able to, you drove a lot of customers because of that. Right. So, so we need to prize ourselves to make it accessible to more people. That's going to be my focus. And then the expansion should naturally happen. Well, for
Upendra Varma:So Amit, so I want you to go back to 2020, right? When you, when it all just started, right? So how did you get those first five, 10 customers? Just talk about that, you know, zero to one journey of yours. So
Amit:first, uh, honestly, the first 10 customers came from, uh, contacts, references. I've been in the e commerce world. Uh, for, for quite a while now, and our revenues are a bit inflated because, you know, the first month you're starting, you're starting with like, you know, 10, 000 in MRR because these customers are like, Oh, what are you building? We'll take it. Right. And honestly, the product wasn't even. What it is today, like it was, it was like, okay, we will see what we're building kind of thing, but it was more like, uh, you know, like, Hey, we just want to take a part in like your success. We want to help you. And I'm very thankful to those customers because many of them are also friends. Uh,
Upendra Varma:talk about that 10 to a hundred, right? So that first scalable channel that really worked and, you know, started giving it,
Amit:Interviews. Talk to a lot of people. Okay. Don't, don't get, uh, don't obsess over the, uh, solution like, like most, uh, founders would do, including me. Like, you know, you, you feel like, you know, you've, you're a genius. You've created something extraordinary, but instead focus on that's the problems, right? Like, Uh, you know, every day when you wake up, like who's the buyer, who's the ICP every day when you wake up, what's, what's, what's sort of keeping you up late? What's the challenge? What are the, what are the things that you're thinking, where are you spending your money? Uh, and you got to be in that category. You, you need to have that mindset because you're always competing for attention, not really with the competitors, but everything else that is going on with their lives. So you got to like get to the very depth of their business and then. Uh, sort of, sort of made the entire,
Upendra Varma:Yeah. But what exactly did you do to get from that 10 to a hundred customer sort of base, right? So apart from your contacts, right? What else really worked
Amit:Listening to conversations, listening to conversations. Yeah, listen, like doing a lot of interviews,
Upendra Varma:what do you mean by that? So
Amit:and digging
Upendra Varma:how did you, how, like, what did you use to do? Like, what do you mean by interviews? Did you use to talk to potential customers? Like where did they find, like, where did you like, what channel did you use? Like just talk about that process,
Amit:Just reaching out to potential customers, people that I already know, even those 10 that signed up, they signed up for a product, but ended up with another product that was completely different because after talking to them, we were like, Oh, we have this problem, we have this problem, we have that problem. And then out of all those, we were like, okay, that's one problem. That's big enough for our appetite, uh, could be used by a massive number of people. And I do see like a lot of current technology and IP that could be applied that could make a huge difference, like in case of customer support, it was like, Hey, If you look at articles, uh, dating back to like 2019, when Zomato is, Zomato had to let go of 540 employees, you can just Google it. And, uh, this is despite growing so much. So why did they have to do this? Because they implemented this section, this, uh, my account section, which started to resolve all their chats. And you're like, Hey, what if we take this technology and apply it to? What Peter just told me or what, what me just told me. Like they're also, you know, telling me about these problems. They're trying to create chatbots, they're trying to do this. And someone like ZA or an Uber is, you know, thinking 10 steps ahead and they've created this technology. We're like, okay, what if we mix the two, make that a product and give it to them? And by the way, we did interview people from all of these companies. We interviewed people from Uber, Amazon, uh, Zito,
Upendra Varma:but they didn't become your customers. Right. So they would have helped you build your
Amit:they said, they said we did look for, but they did all confirm that we did look for a solution like this before we decided to build it an house. Now they have a team of like a bunch of engineers that are just focused on that one thing, right?
Upendra Varma:got it. Right. So talk about like, have you raised any external funding so far to build your company
Amit:Yeah, so we, we raised money from Sequoia. Uh, we also got selected from Y Combinator in year one. The only reason I didn't sign up with Y Combinator is because we were remote and the whole batch was remote. I didn't think we will extract too much value, uh, from, from the Zoom
Upendra Varma:how much did you raise in total so far?
Amit:uh, 2 million.
Upendra Varma:Okay. Makes sense. And like, what's, what's like, how, how much, how big of a team have you, do you have today?
Amit:We have, uh, 30 members, a little less than 30
Upendra Varma:So how many engineers and how many in the
Amit:15, 15 are in the product team, 15 are product, 5 to 6 would be, 6 would be customer support and success. We offer 24 by 7 support. Uh, so even if like the volumes are low, we, we will staff it. Uh, so people always have help. What else? What else? Then two co founders. We pretty much do anything and everything. Uh, one person is in HR. What am I missing? Three people in sales. So that's the composition.
Upendra Varma:So Amit, one last question here, right? So what's that next big milestone that you're aiming for as a company and how do you intend to reach there?
Amit:Good question. So we have. A few applications, which, which were only, uh, you know, imagined in our head. Like if something could happen, then we could do something like this. If this could happen, then we could do this. And with, with, uh, the API is made available by open AI, all of that has now become possible. So without revealing too much, uh, uh, what you're about to launch in quarter one, uh, we're all working tirelessly towards that is going to be a very game changing because, you know, it's not about just, you know, having a very thin layer over AI and claiming, Oh, we are doing something with GPT. It's about like, you know, really re imagining the whole thing. Like if, if you were to create a company today. Uh, to solve this problem with the available technology, how would you do it? Right. And you have to like re imagine the whole block, like, you know, take off your entire, whatever you built with your Legos, take, take it off and build it from the ground up and you will come with something beautiful. So that's what we are doing. And
Upendra Varma:So, so I'm at like, why, like my question here, right? So why do all of this, right? I mean, you've got a wonderful product that people are allowing to use, right? So why not just keep on expanding, right? Just acquire more customers, get to a point where, I mean, why rethink your product strategy or why expand on those lines? Like what's the vision here?
Amit:because this, this technology is going to enable, uh, adoption across multiple channels. So as of today, all the benefit that I'm telling you, all the things that I'm telling you is only available on the website or the brand's website or the brand's mobile app. Uh, but if you look at a market like us where 55 percent of the conversations happen via email, Right. Uh, 30% happen through the websites chat, and 15% is like, uh, phone calls or, uh, you know, social media or SMS. So our technology is only applicable to that 30%, uh, percent of the people. But with ai, we can take this technology to the remaining 70%, uh, which was not accessible to us.
Upendra Varma:Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. All right. I mean, thanks for taking time to talk to me. Hope you scale rich funnel to much, much greater heights.
Amit:Thank you, Pendra.